Art director, dreamer & designer from Stockholm. Listening to 70s rock and keep all that old soul close to my heart. Looking Ganni loving Gucci. Feel very at home at Modern Art Museums. Always longing for New York, going to Italy as often as possible and have a bit of my heart based on the Swedish west coast. Need to be close to the ocean, The Artist Formerly Known As Prince, Art Biennales, starry skies and design that makes your soul soft. Love must win.

I believe in creativity that sets you free and forever and always makes your knees weak. For that I can work days and nights. 

Let’s say hi and grab a coffee ☞ carolinapalmqvist@hotmail.com

 Art Direction, Graphic design, Content creating, Project Management, Magazine production, Retouch, Social media, Prepress, Still life styling, Image editing, Creative writing and AW-organizer :)

SOFTWARE Adobe Creative Suite, Office365, Keynote, Squarespace.

CLIENTS & CASES H&M, Philips, WWF, Egmont Publishing, Live Nation, Polhem PR, Globetrotter Sverige, Loppigruppen, Sturegallerian, Wallmans Stockholm, New Normal Agency, AMPG, Egoboost, Doublecheck, Ecolyx traveling, Rabble, iStone, MUCF, Feather Agency, Patchwork Sweden, Noble Entertainment, Global Challenges Foundation, Medievänner, Garden Gnome ltd, Kapybara Media, SFK, Kulturskolan Stockholm, Oleana, Perfect Storm, Villefranche Textile, MMA-Nytt and more.

- Freelance Art director & Graphic designer since 2012
- Art director H&M Brand development/Loyalty 2020-2023
- Art director, digital designer and content editor at H&M Magazine & H&M Beauty 2018-2020
- Web Designer and final art at H&M Online 2013, 2014, spring 2016
- Art director at Egoboost Magazine 2012
- Graphic designer at Moderna tidskrifter fall 2011
- Marketing & PR at Noble entertainment summer 2011
- Marketing & press assistent at Stockholm Film Festival 2007, 2008

- "Tjejer kodar", Course in HTML, CSS, Python, Django, Barcelona 2017
- B.A. in Graphic design at The Graphic Institute, Stockholm University 2011
- Poppius Basic Course Journalism 2009
- B.A. in Journalism at Stockholm University 2008
- Studies in Fashion, Visual Arts, Project management, Film, Ingmar Bergman, Philosophy, at Stockholm University.